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Sunday, June 19, 2011
My one week of breather/hols are....

Going to end :(

Two more months till graduation, its so fast that i kinda dread going to school nowadays. How sad it is, people out there are dying to study or get a degree of their choice. The paper chase is so important these days!

Time spent at the gym isnt going to waste at all, results are seen and more to come ! Though i get constant aches on my thighs and all.

I have something to confess! aint i crazy to book an appointment for Brazillian waxing for myself? geeesh, there's definitely a first time for everything. hmm experience was obviously horrid for first timers!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Some faces in life we meet over the years displays sincerity of their immense longing to get to know you and build a full-filled relationship with you.

Another kind of face we see everyday is merely to our advantage , perhaps climbing up the corporate ladder or even satisfying your self-actualisation needs. These are to me can show both innate kinds of pleasure as well as an ugly portray of that face.

Then again , there are the faces that reminds you nothing more than just memories of the pass.Be it good or bad, there are somethings that there's no other progressions from there onwards.

Change is indeed a horrible phase in life that everyone painstakingly have to go through. Whether you like it or not, you have to learn to adapt to whatever the world throws at you. Perhaps, putting on a " i-dont-give-a-damn-about-you face" is one of the best things in life i have discovered in my uni days.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Xi dou belly land!

Off at 5am in the morning just to catch our bus to Camerons, i doubt i got any sleep that night. The grizzly was snoring so loud on my bedroom floor that it felt as though like my bed was on a constant vibration mode.My photo does justify my uneven eyes and messy uncombed hair for the first day! His sister bought us couple mickey and minnie T from hk disney land!
We had multiple stops towards our destination! went to some chocolate factory at KL, didnt really buy much stuff this trip i guess... And pretty soon it was steamboat dinner at Camerons! Like finally we are somewhat nearer to the hotel! Fatigue was kicking in and both of us were very restless the entire time, as soon as we got our rooms...the snoring engine started...

Anticipated the great morning view from our balcony in the morning. I look good eh!? haha

We just couldnt help it but were always the last two to board the bus . For almost 3 times in this entire trip , we were late for the bus and everyone were waiting just for the infamous couple to depart from the bus! wahaha! the first time was in the morning, second was the aftermath of shopping for dinner at the pasar malam and lastly was the trip back home from KL shopping mall! Some drunk uncle was very pissed off he scolded us on the 3rd late arrival to the bus! LOl


Some other photos from cactus valley , strawberry farms, butterfly parks i uploaded on fb... these are a couple.

Mr Chan surprised me with roses when we arrived at some Rose valley , he wasnt into entering the area to view them... he told me i might as well use the money to buy you some... i told him yes indeed. you shall get me a bunch of them so that i can bring them home... the next moment he left the bus to throw some rubbish and came back with three bunch of roses! -.-! i shall be more careful with what i wish for...i might just get it...with jabie chan... -.-!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Tomorrow we'll be heading off for our long awaited holiday!!! weee!!

Goodbye Singabored ! Hello to the land of teas! Cameron Highlands and KL! <3

MEGA MEGA glad that exams are over and holidays are here! :D

Monday, April 11, 2011
Hellooo april!

I know my most anticipated month of all has arrived!

Celebrated the Chan bday with ding tai fung, and gift showering...didnt managed to get some cake.. but had our fill at food for thought!

haven been to the gym in two days already and exams are on Wednesday! omg! stop Gymming feonna!!! time to get back to work!!!

Zzzzz, seriously super excited for our cameron highlands trip on easter weekend!! sure to be superb fun! but for now exams first....

Bear <3 Bunny foreva & eva eva! :P

Monday, March 28, 2011
Black Furballs

For the Record, this love is amazing!

Kudos to the Chan who took on the challenge to wear the " BALLSY" t-shirt! the Balls are like black furballs! damn nice to touch and play with them! hahaha!! as tho he has multiple nipples!Ok , i know this sounds so wrong! in all ,kudos to his bravery!

Cant wait for this trimester to end, my getaway is awaiting us! Amazed Amazed! <3

To the land of "XI DOU BELLY" and "SCONES" , here we come..... rah rah...brewing with utter excitment for sure.

Saturday, March 5, 2011
Awaiting love

Unsure of how many days it has been since i haven seen him, letting the days pass on as it goes is the only way.
How deep is this going to go? Depths of infinite measures are possible. Despite lightnings flash down on your daily goings, somehow you manage to brave through the storm with God's ominent presence around.
Amazed i am. Might be tired from this long walk into life's journey. Where are we going? How long will it take? Just going through the motions that are necessary of growing pains indeed.
Finally, it feels like i have tasted the best and am unwilling to give up on this one anytime or any possibility.Have you tasted it yourself? Indeed it keeps you wanting to go back for more, addictive it sure is. For now, love awaits till we meet again....it is real so surreal, i cannot believe it is not a dream!!
Elated nonetheless, yearn through the times and eagerly awaiting for his return <3
We always think that the world needs Feebie around....

Monday, February 21, 2011

Lies and dirty truths are uncovered. It only boils down to one thing when human beings turn the other cheek and surprise you with unmoral conduct that was expected to be seen.
This is a begining of a new chapter in life,spiritually stricken to the core of awkwardness and discomfort. Much has been done and said. God tore the veil and break down walls of the temples to show you the truth. My eyes are open, i can see through the abundance grace of God!
I dont need human pity or comfort for the state i am in right now. Strong-willed as i am , independance driven in most aspect wont kill my arising ego. For i walk in the light of God, there's nothing to be ashamed of. Im so glad i've left that stupid jerk; i knew that bitch was going out with him.
Thank God for Jabie, we dont have to try this relationship at all. It comes so easily. Effortless and flawless. So what if im showing off my undying love for him? jealous much? Oh green eyed monster.... dont give me the shit that you're immature on how to handle such situations...You are 4 years OLDER than me. Utter rubbish.
In anyway GBU and ur awesome undying love for the kite flyer and "super star". I dont care what you guys do, have sex, married or pregnant. fuck it. seriously.

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Life is filled with simple surprises!

Valentine's day has passed, but seriously why bother when you are in love with that person whole heartedly?

Its simply amazing that when you meet that Mr right, all is perfect and not in any demand.

Flowers for the beauty ! (=

Nama nama indulgence

My ultimate ticket for the night!!!! <3

Genuinely, i've never ever felt so blessed in my life.

Really Praise God for bring such a person into my life...

With uncertainties left aside, we just take each step at a time with God providence.... Days like these i will never forget...

Simply amazing <3

Thursday, February 10, 2011
Happenstance of a life

Lovely Happanstance of my lifestyle has just begun... that glow in her face is shining shining and gleaming through the darkest days !

I am one blessed lady indeed and Amen to that! =D

I saw someone at school buying 50 bottles of AJAR today! omg!!!! epic! FWAHAHAHA!your life sux man :P

Anyhow, Rachael yamagata tickets are all sold out :( . Disappointed it may be , but im still looking forward to V-day this year. I know its probably something out of the ordinary like no other .

Balala, J is sooo comical he always never fail to make me laugh till i cramp up / tear!